prologin.rpc.server module

exception prologin.rpc.server.BadToken

Bases: Exception

Exception used to notice the remote callers that the timeauth token is wrong or has expired.

class prologin.rpc.server.BaseRPCApp(app_name, secret=None, **kwargs)

Bases: prologin.web.AiohttpApp

RPC base application: let clients call remotely subclasses methods.

Just subclass me, add some remote methods using the remote_method decorator and instanciate me!

class prologin.rpc.server.MethodCollection(name, bases, dct)

Bases: type

Metaclass for RPC objects: collect remote methods and store them in a class-wide REMOTE_METHOD dictionnary. Be careful: of course, stored methods are not bound to an instance.

exception prologin.rpc.server.MethodError

Bases: Exception

Exception used to notice the remote callers that the requested method does not exist.

exception prologin.rpc.server.MissingToken

Bases: Exception

Exception used to notice the remote callers that the timeauth token cannot be found in the request.

class prologin.rpc.server.RemoteCallHandler(request)

Bases: object

property rpc_object

contains method that can be called remotely.


RPC object


Return if a random object is a remote method.

prologin.rpc.server.remote_method(func=None, *, auth_required=True)

Decorator for methods to be callable remotely.