Arch Linux repository

Prologin has setup an Arch Linux package repository to ease of use of custom packages and AUR content.


Add the following section to the /etc/pacman.conf file:

Server =

Then, trust the repository signing keys:

$ wget
$ pacman-key --add
$ pacman-key --lsign-key prologin

Finally, test the repository:

$ pacman -Sy

You should see “prologin” in the list of synchronized package databases.

Uploading packages

Only the owner of the repository’s private key and ssh access to can upload packages.

To import the private key to your keystore:

$ ssh 'gpg --export-secret-keys --armor F4592F5F00D9EA8279AE25190312438E8809C743' | gpg --import
$ gpg --edit-key F4592F5F00D9EA8279AE25190312438E8809C743

Trust fully the key.

Then, build the package you want to upload locally using makepkg. Once the package is built, use pkg/ to sign it, update the database and upload it.

Example usage:

$ cd quake3-pak0.pk3
$ makepkg
$ ~/rosa-sadm/pkg/ quake3-pak0.pk3-1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

You can then install the package like any other:

# pacman -Sy quake3-pak0.pk3
$ quake3


More information

The repository content is stored in rosa:~repo/www. Use your Prologin SADM credentials when asked for a password or a passphrase.


Invalid signature of a database or a package

This should not happen. If it does, find the broken signature and re-sign the file using gpg --sign. You must also investigate why an invalid signature was generated.