Setup instructions

If you are like the typical Prologin organizer, you’re probably reading this documentation one day before the start of the event, worried about your ability to make everything work before the contest starts. Fear not! This section of the documentation explains everything you need to do to set up the infrastructure for the finals, assuming all the machines are already physically present. Just follow the guide!

Note: This section is for the actual hardware setup of the final. To setup a development environment in containers, see Container setup for SADM.

Step 0: Hardware and network setup

Before installing servers, we need to make sure all the machines are connected to the network properly. Here are the major points you need to be careful about:

  • Make sure to balance the number of machines connected per switch: the least machines connected to a switch, the better performance you’ll get.

  • Inter-switch connections is not very important: we tried to make most things local to a switch (RFS + HFS should each be local, the rest is mainly HTTP connections to services).

  • Have a very limited trust on the hardware that is given to you, and if possible reset them to a factory default.

For each pair of switches, you will need one RHFS server (connected to the 2 switches via 2 separate NICs, and hosting the RFS + HFS for the machines on these 2 switches). Please be careful out the disk space: assume that each RHFS has about 100GB usable for HFS storage. That means at most 50 contestants (2GB quota) or 20 organizers (5GB quota) per RHFS. With contestants that should not be a problem, but try to balance organizers machines as much as possible.

You also need one gateway/router machine, which will have 3 different IP addresses for the 3 logical subnets used during the finals:

Users and services

Alien (unknown)


Based on the IP used by the bocal internet gateway.

Contestants and organizers must be on the same subnet in order for UDP broadcasting to work between them. This is required for most video games played during the finals: server browsers work by sending UDP broadcast announcements.

Having services and users on the same logical network avoids all the traffic from users to services going through the gateway. Since this includes all RHFS traffic, we need to make sure this is local to the switch and not being routed via the gateway. However, for clarity reasons, we allocate IP addresses in the users and services subnet like this:

Users -

Services and organizers machines -

Step 1: Writing the Ansible inventory

The Ansible inventory is configuration that is specific to the current SADM deployment. There are two inventories in the ansible directory:

  • an inventory directory, the default inventory, which is used for local testing purposes

  • a inv_final directory, which contains the deployment for the finals, that we update each year.

TODO: document step-by-step how to write the inventory once we actually have to do it on a physical infra, which hasn’t happened yet. Include secrets rotations, addition of MAC addresses, etc.

Step 2: Setting up the gateway

The very first step is to install an Arch Linux system for gw. We have scripts to make this task fast and easy.

File system setup


The installation process is partially automated with scripts. You are strongly advised to read them and make sure you understand what they are doing.

Let’s start with the hardware setup. You can skip this section if you are doing a containerized install or if you already have a file system ready.

For gw and other critical systems such as web, we setup a RAID1 (mirroring) over two discs. Because the RAID will be the size of the smallest disc, they have to be of the same capacity. We use regular 500 GB HDDs, which is usually more than enough. It is a good idea to choose two different disks (brand, age, batch) to reduce the chance to have them failing at the same time.

On top of the RAID1, our standard setup uses LVM to create and manage the system partition. For bootloading the system we use the good old BIOS and syslinux.

All this setup is automated by our bootstrap scripts, but to run them you will need a bootstrap Linux distribution. The easiest solution is to boot on the Arch Linux’s install medium

Once the bootstrap system is started, you can start the install using:

bash <(curl -L

This script checks out sadm, then does the RAID1 setup, installs Arch Linux and configures it for RAID1 boot. So far nothing is specific to sadm and you could almost use this script to install yourself an Arch Linux.

When the script finishes the system is configured and bootable, you can restart the machine:


The machine should reboot and display the login tty. To test this step:

  • The system must boot.

  • systemd should start without any [FAILED] logs.

  • Log into the machine as root with the password you configured.

  • Check that the hostname is gw.prolo by invoking hostnamectl:

     Static hostname: gw.prolo
           Icon name: computer-container
             Chassis: container
          Machine ID: 603218907b0f49a696e6363323cb1833
             Boot ID: 65c57ca80edc464bb83295ccc4014ef6
      Virtualization: systemd-nspawn
    Operating System: Arch Linux
              Kernel: Linux 4.6.2-1-ARCH
        Architecture: x86-64
  • Check that the timezone is Europe/Paris and NTP is enabled using timedatectl:

          Local time: Fri 2016-06-24 08:53:03 CEST
      Universal time: Fri 2016-06-24 06:53:03 UTC
            RTC time: n/a
           Time zone: Europe/Paris (CEST, +0200)
     Network time on: yes
    NTP synchronized: yes
     RTC in local TZ: no
  • Check the NTP server used:

    systemctl status systemd-timesyncd
    Sep 25 13:49:28 halfr-thinkpad-e545 systemd-timesyncd[13554]: Synchronized to time server (
  • Check that the locale is en_US.UTF8 with the UTF8 charset using localectl:

    System Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
        VC Keymap: n/a
       X11 Layout: n/a
  • You should get an IP from DHCP if you are on a network that has such a setup, else you can add a static IP using a systemd-network .network configuration file.

  • Check there are no failed systemd services; if there are, troubleshoot them:

    systemctl status

SADM deployment

Now, we can install the Prologin-specific services on gw using Ansible. Either from a machine that is on the same network as gw or on gw itself, retrieve the SADM repository and deploy the gateway playbook:

cd ansible
export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=inv_final
source ./  # Tool that speeds-up Ansible
ansible-playbook playbook-gw.yml

Gateway network configuration

gw has multiple static IPs used in our local network:

  • used to communicate with both the services and the users

  • used to communicate with aliens (aka. machines not in mdb)

It also has IP to communicate with the outside world:

  • 10.a.b.c/8 static IP given by the bocal to communicate with the bocal gateway

  • 163.5.x.y/16 WAN IP given by the CRI

The network interface(s) are configured using systemd-networkd, in files under /etc/systemd/network/.

For this step, we use the following systemd services:

  • From systemd: systemd-networkd.service: does the network configuration, interface renaming, IP setting, DHCP getting, gateway configuring, you get the idea. This service is enabled by the Arch Linux bootstrap script.

  • From sadm: nic-configuration@.service: network interface configuration, this service should be enabled for each of the interface on the system.

For more information, see the systemd-networkd documentation.

At this point you should reboot and test your network configuration:

  • Your network interfaces should be up (ip link should show state UP for all interfaces but lo).

  • The IP addresses (ip addr) are correctly set to their respective interfaces.

  • Default route (ip route) should be the CRI’s gateway.

Then, you can also check that the Core services are individually running properly, as they will be required for the rest of the setup.

Step 3: File storage

A RHFS, for “root/home file server”, has the following specifications:

  • It is connected to two switches, handling two separates L2 segments. As such, the machine on a L2 segment is only 1 switch away from it RHFS. This is a good thing as it reduces the network latency, reduces the risk if one the switches in the room fails and simplyfies debugging network issues. It also mean that a RHFS will be physically near the machines it handles, pretty useful for debugging, although you will mostly work using SSH.

  • Two NICs configured using DHCP, each of them connected to a different switch.

  • Two disks in RAID1 setup, same as gw.

To bootstrap a rhfs, rhfs01 for example, follow this procedure:

  1. Boot the machine using PXE and register it into MDB as rhfs01.

  2. Reboot the machine and boot an Arch Linux install medium.

  3. Follow the same first setup step as for gw: see File system setup.

Do that for all the RHFS, then go to the next step.

RHFS Inventory setup

TODO: explain how to write the RHFS parts of the inventory

Installing the RHFS

Like before, once the base system is set up and the inventory has been written, we can install it very simply:

ansible-playbook playbook-rhfs.yml

After setting up the RHFS systems, we also need to setup the actual root FS that’s mounted as / by the candidates’ machines. Deploy ansible in the container which mounts /export/nfsroot:

ansible-playbook playbook-rfs-container.yml

Registering the switches

To be able to register the machines easily, we can register all the switches in MDB. By using the LLDP protocol, when registering the machines, they will be able to see which switch they are linked to and automatically guess the matching RHFS server.

On each rhfs, run the following command:

networkctl lldp

You should see an LLDP table like this:

rhfs0   68:b5:99:9f:45:40  sw-kb-past-2  ..b........ 12                12
rhfs1   c0:91:34:c3:02:00  sw-kb-pas-3   ..b........ 22                22

This means the “rhfs0” interface of rhfs01 is linked to a switch named sw-kb-past-2 with a Chassis ID of 68:b5:99:9f:45:40.

After running this on all the rhfs, you should be able to establish a mapping like this:

rhfs0 -> sw-kb-past-2 (68:b5:99:9f:45:40)
rhfs1 -> sw-kb-pas-3 (c0:91:34:c3:02:00)
rhfs2 -> sw-kb-pas-4 (00:16:b9:c5:25:60)
rhfs3 -> sw-pas-5 (00:16:b9:c5:84:e0)
rhfs4 -> sw-kb-pas-6 (00:14:38:67:f7:e0)
rhfs5 -> sw-kb-pas-7 (00:1b:3f:5b:8c:a0)

You can register all those switches in MDB. Click on “add switch”, with the name of the switch like sw-kb-past-2, the chassis ID like 68:b5:99:9f:45:40, and put the number of the interface in the RFS and HFS field (i.e. if it’s on the interface rhfs0, put 0 in both fields).

Step 4: Booting the user machines

All the components required to boot user machines should now properly be installed. Execute this on all the machines:

  1. Boot a user machine

  2. Choose “Register with LLDP”

  3. Follow the instructions to register the machine and reboot.

Here is a test procedure to ensure everything is working well:

  1. Boot a user machine

  2. Login manager should appear

  3. Log-in using a test account (create one if needed), a home should be created with the skeleton in it.

  4. The desktop launches, the user can edit files and start programs

  5. Log-out ie. close the session

  6. Boot a user machine that’s bound to another HFS

  7. Log-in using the same test account, the home should be migrated.

  8. The same desktop launches, with state preserved from the previous session.

Step 5: Installing the service machines

We now need to set up all the service machines (monitoring, web, misc). For each of these servers:

  1. Boot the machine using PXE and register it into mdb as a service with the correct hostname.

  2. Reboot the machine and boot an Arch Linux install medium.

  3. Follow the same first setup step as for gw: see File system setup.

Once all of them are running on the network and pinging properly, they can be deployed:

ansible-playbook playbook-monitoring.yml
ansible-playbook playbook-web.yml
ansible-playbook playbook-misc.yml

Note: Testing on qemu/libvirt

Here are some notes:

  • Do not use the spice graphical console for setting up servers, use the serial line. For syslinux it is serial 0 at the top of syslinux.cfg and for Linux console=ttyS0 on the cmd line of the kernel in syslinux.cfg.

  • For best performance use the VirtIO devices (disk, NIC), this should already be configured if you used virt-install to create the machine.

  • For user machines, use the QXL driver for best performance with SPICE, and use VirtIO for video.