Core services

These services are the backbone of the infrastructure and are installed very early during the setup, as most other services depend on them. They are generally installed on the gw machine; they could run elsewhere but we don’t have a lot of free machines and the core is easier to set up at one single place.

The services installed here are a bit tricky. As this is the core of the architecture, everything kind of depends on each other:


This is worked around by bootstrapping the infra in a number of ways, most importantly by keeping an initial list of the first core services in gw:/etc/hosts to access them while the DNS setup is not available.


MDB is the machine database described in the infrastructure overview (see Machine database), available at http://mdb/. Root admins can login there to edit information about the machines.

To check that MDB is working, you can call the RPC endpoint /call/query:

curl http://mdb/call/query
# Should return a JSON dict containing the machines registered in MDB


mdbsync is a web server used for applications that need to react on mdb updates. The DHCP and DNS config generation scripts use it to automatically update the configuration when mdb changes.

To check if mdbsync is working, try to register for updates:

python -c 'import prologin.mdbsync.client; prologin.mdbsync.client.connect().poll_updates(print)'
# Should print {} {} and wait for updates


mdbdns gets updates from mdbsync and regenerates the DNS configuration.

You can check that mdbdns is working by checking that the DNS configuration correctly contains the machines registered in MDB:

host mdb.prolo
# Should return


mdbdhcp works just like mdbdns, but for DHCP.

The DHCP server also provides an Arch Linux install medium in PXE to install all the servers. (See


Netboot is a small HTTP service used to handle interactions with the PXE boot script: machine registration and chaining on the appropriate kernel files. It runs as netboot.service.


The TFTP server is used by the PXE clients to fetch the first stage of the boot chain: the iPXE binary (more on that in the next section). It is a simple tftp-hpa daemon.

The TFTP server serves files from /srv/tftp.

iPXE bootrom

The iPXE bootrom is an integral part of the boot chain for user machines. It is loaded by the machine BIOS via PXE and is responsible for booting the Linux kernel using the nearest RFS. It also handles registering the machine in the MDB if needed.

We need a special version of iPXE supporting the LLDP protocol to speed up machine registration. We have a pre-built version of the PXE image in our Arch Linux repository. The package ipxe-sadm-git installs the PXE image as /srv/tftp/prologin.kpxe.


UDB is the user database described in the infrastructure overview (see User database), available at http://udb/. Root admins can login there to edit information about the users.

You can then import all contestants information to udb using the batchimport command:

cd /opt/prologin/udb
python batchimport --file=/root/finalistes.txt

The password sheet data can then be generated with this command, then printed by someone else:

python pwdsheetdata --type=user > /root/user_pwdsheet_data

Then do the same for organizers:

python batchimport --logins --type=orga --pwdlen=10 \
python pwdsheetdata --type=orga > /root/orga_pwdsheet_data

Then for roots:

python batchimport --logins --type=root --pwdlen=10 \
python pwdsheetdata --type=root > /root/root_pwdsheet_data


usbsync is a server that pushes updates of the user list.


presencesync manages the list of logged users. It authorizes user logins and maintain the list of logged users using pings from the presenced daemon running in the NFS exported systems.


This listens to both presencesync and mdb updates and maintains a double mapping ip addr machine hostname logged-in username. This provides a way of knowing which user is logged on what machine by its IP address. This is used by nginx SSO to translate request IPs to logged-in username.

presencesync_sso exposes an HTTP endpoint at http://sso/.

All services that support SSO already have the proper stubs in their respective nginx config. See the comments in etc/nginx/sso/{handler,protect} for how to use these stubs in new HTTP endpoints.

Debugging SSO

Typical symptoms of an incorrect SSO setup are:

  • you’re not automatically logged-in on SSO-enabled websites such as http://udb or http://concours

  • nginx logs show entries mentioning __sso_auth or something about not being able to connect to some sso upstream

Your best chance at debugging this is to check the reply headers in your browser inspection tool.

  • if there is not any of the headers described below, it means your service is not SSO-enabled, ie. doesn’t contain the stubs mentioned above. Fix that.

  • X-SSO-Backend-Status should be working, otherwise it means nginx cannot reach the SSO endpoint; in that case check that presencesync_sso works and http://sso is reachable.

  • X-SSO-Status should be authenticated and X-SSO-User should be filled-in; if the website is not in a logged-in state, it means SSO is working but the website does not understand, or doesn’t correctly handle the SSO headers. Maybe it is configured to get the user from a different header eg. Remote-User? Fix the website.

  • if X-SSO-Status is missing header, it means nginx is not sending the real IP address making the request; are you missing include sso/handler?

  • if X-SSO-Status is unknown IP, it means presencesync_sso couldn’t resolve the machine hostname from its IP; check the IP exists in http://mdb and that presencesync_sso is receiving mdb updates.

  • if X-SSO-Status is logged-out machine, it means presencesync_sso believes no one is logged-in the machine from which you do the requests; check that presencesync knows about the session (eg. using http://map/) and that presencesync_sso is receiving presencesync updates.


A firewall of iptables rules is automatically installed on gw. It handles allowing and disallowing network access, and masquerading the network traffic.

A presencesync_firewall.service service automatically updates this firewall to allow internet access to staff and disallow it to contestants during the contest.


conntrack.service does the necessary logging to comply with the fact that we are responsible for what the users are doing when using our gateway to the internet.




